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Good Better Best Men

Good Better Best Men

Mental Health
Type of Service/s
Support Groups


Registered Not for Profit & Charity

SA (South Australia)
All of South Australia
Cost Estimation:
Free - $295
Contact Number:
Fax Number:
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Good Better Best Men, a registered not for profit and charity, is a grass roots, local community based organisation, supporting men to be the best versions of themselves.


We know that men committed to being their best man contribute to sustainable families, relationships, workplaces and communities.


Good Better Best Men promotes and supports men’s physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing because we know these are integral to men contributing to sustainable families and communities.

We do this through our self development and growth programs, workshops, and courses.


Our mentoring of men in their local men’s circles and the development of men in the delivery of men’s self-development programs, workshops, and courses are key in our building strong men’s communities.


We know men working to live their best man creates strong, healthy and sustainable relationships, families, workplaces and community.


More than ever men are wanting, needing, and striving to be the best version of themselves, however, the journey is not easy. There is no shortage of narrative on what men are and what they are not and there are many opinions on what men should be.

Men are great problem solvers, creators, fixers yet pardoxically it is often difficult for us to untangle who we are, and why we are. We often find it difficult  to find the best version of ourselves.

Good Better Best Men believe that there is good in all men, that men want to be better men, and men can be their best man. We believe a man’s best is unique for each and every man.

The Good Better Best Men philosophy is deep inside every man there is the knowing of their ‘best man’, who he is, what his potential is, however, it is often unseen, unrecognised, and unacknowledged by him, and with understanding, guidance and encouragement a man can find and be his best man.


We see deep and rich collections of experience, successes, failures and, wisdom in a collective of men meeting and ‘sitting in circle’ that feeds and nurtures the deep desire to be their best man.

Building a Men's Community and Men's circles centred on our principles of honesty, integrity, real connection and communication with respect and without criticism is our passion.

List of Services:

Begin the Journey


9 weekly meetings/circles lasting 2.5 hours for a group of 8 to 10 men.


The program introduces men to meeting and sitting in circle, to what is commonly referred to as ‘men’s work’, where in a safe and confidential group they work together to support, learn, encourage, and challenge each other.


Men explore and develop an understanding of their self, who they are, why they are the way they are and how they have come to be who they are.


Men learn communication and relating skills they take beyond the circle into family, friend, and work relationships. Men learn to be challenged by each other in a healthy way and to be held accountable for what they say they will or will not do. They experience the rich gift of being witnessed in their learning and growth.


Begin the Journey equips men with the tools and experiences to continue as an ongoing sustainable men's circle.


Each of the 9 meetings/circles has a theme, experiential learning and personal sharing.

Men in circle may at times touch life experiences that will be challenging and this should not exclude the participation of men in the program.


Open Mens Circles


An ongoing circle where men can attend with no cost, no obligation. Come along and see what its all about. A place for you to be heard and hear from the learned experience of other men.




We offer a range of interactive workshops and experiences tailored to your event and the audience based on the principals of menswork.

It is important to note, the Here's to Strength Self Care Directory is here to empower you by bridging the gap of access and is not liable for the service delivered by individual providers who are working from our premises or utilising the Self Care Directory service. All services listed are registered as independent businesses with their own service agreements, insurances and policies who have requested their listing to be published in this database. As we are not in charge of their independent procedures, we cannot guarantee or control outcomes, however every effort has been made by Here's to Strength to ensure each listing is operating in a safe and ethical manner.

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