A revolutionary referral pathway
Our Self Care Directory has simplified self care by bridging the gap of access to independent service providers and not for profit organisations around Australia, working alongside every type of modality in one place making it easier to take care of yourself
The directory offers service listings from all around Australia including everyday needs such as food, Domestic Violence support, General Practitioners, Psychologists, Counsellors, Natural Medicine Specialists, Allied Health Practitioners, Massage, Hair Stylists, Beauty Therapists, Energy Healers, Home Organisers, Self Care Retreats and so much more,
leaving you feeling empowered in your unique healing journey...

Search the Self Care Directory
Access our national Self Care Directory of independent Service Providers and Not for Profit Organisations

Ask for guidance
Don't know where to start?
Just breathe, we can help you with recommendations

If you are a Referring Doctor or Healthcare Professional
Improve your patient's referral pathway with up to date information including whether a service provider accepts EPC, CDM, MHCP, Private Health, NDIS, DVA or WorkCover as well as access to approved financial hardship providers through the Here's to Strength Community Support Fund.
It is important to note, the Here's to Strength Self Care Directory is here to empower you by bridging the gap of access and is not liable for the service delivered by individual providers who are working from our premises or utilising the Self Care Directory service. All services listed are registered as independent businesses with their own service agreements, insurances and policies who have requested their listing to be published in this database. As we are not in charge of their independent procedures, we cannot guarantee or control outcomes, however every effort has been made by Here's to Strength to ensure each listing is operating in a safe and ethical manner.